Among the chaos that comes with the month of December, you need to set aside some time to prepare your daycare centre for the end of the year, and for the beginning of the new year. When running a childcare service, you are responsible for many areas that require your attention, specifically at this time of year.
Here are some strategies you can implement to ensure your centre is organised for the end of 2023, and ready for a strong start to 2024.
1. Plan for next year
Consider what your plans are for your childcare service next year.
Write a plan or list of goals you want to achieve in 2024. These may include objectives such as:
– Boost enrolments
– Provide training for employees
– Provide a caring and relaxed environment for children and educators
– Encourage educators to build rapport with families
These goals can be set for early in the year, or they can be longer term goals. Either way, they will give your team something to strive towards, and a plan for approaching the new year.
2. Finalise Income and Expenses
The end of the year is always a good time to organise outstanding payments, billing, and record-keeping.
– Follow up any clients for overdue statements
– Ensure any of your vendors or contractors have been paid
– Document business expenses
– Reconcile accounts
3. Review your current processes
Nowadays there are many ways to streamline processes and increase efficiency when it comes to administration tasks.
Take a step back and look into what your team is doing that is time consuming, what the team doesn’t enjoy doing, or what aspects of your centre could be adapted, and research ways to improve.
Consider what can be automated or simplified to take the demand off you and your team. It’s likely there will be a solution out there for you.
4. Plan staff professional development and team-building activities
The level of happiness and engagement from your team has a flow on effect to the children and families attending the centre.
It’s important to offer professional development opportunities and team-building activities ahead of time, as it shows your team that you care about their growth and well-being. This can help boost morale and improve retention.
Encourage your team and give them the tools they need to succeed by planning staff development days for 2024. You can always delegate to staff to help you with finding courses that they would be interested in partaking in. This will not only take some pressure off you, but allowing the team to be part of the planning process can increase their engagement in the course and their willingness to actively participate.
5. Create a marketing plan
The new year is always a good time to develop a new marketing plan for your centre. A marketing plan is one of the most valuable business strategies you can utilise if you are looking to increase enrolments in the new year.
An effective marketing plan will make you stand out from your competitors, in an environment where families have a lot of options.
Marketing plans can be daunting, but remember that many hands make light work. Don’t be afraid of delegating tasks or asking your team for their input. Or, even consider outsourcing marketing if you have the option.
The end of the year is always a hectic time in the Childcare industry. So, it’s most important to remember to take some time for yourself over the holidays to enjoy the time of year and be well rested to get back into it in 2024!
To kick off the new year with some fun and learning, contact SPARKLE Training today to organise a tailored training program for your team.
Call 1300 611 288 or Email